Do You Know About Icing Smiles?

This past weekend, we had the opportunity to create an incredibly special cake for the Icing Smiles program. Icing Smiles is an amazing nonprofit organization that provides cakes for children who are or have been fighting serious illnesses, at ZERO cost to the family. Many times the families are completely devastated by all the medical bills and peripheral expenses such as traveling to far away hospitals for treatment. Continue reading Do You Know About Icing Smiles?

Sugar as Art

Cake touches all the senses. You are thrilled with the appearance, pleasing the eye. You take a deep breath & smell the wonderful aromas of icing & cake. You touch it, feeling the silkiness of the buttercream & the sensation of the cake melting away on your tongue. You taste the explosion of flavor. You hear….well…….OK, OK, so cake doesn’t have much of a sound. Don’t disturb my groove here. We can MAKE a cake have sound, so there! ***sticks tongue out in a sassy manner*** And then there are of course the ‘oohs & aaahs’ over the cake & the ‘mmmms’ when it is devoured, so yes there are sounds.

What other art form literally activates all 5 senses at once? Continue reading Sugar as Art

Delivering Cakes is So Stressful!

So it finally happened. Over 6 years of delivering cakes safely, & on March 15th I got rear-ended HARD by a big Yukon. I was in CC the Cool Cakemobile, & had a wedding cake in the back! 😱😱😱 I jumped out & opened the side door of the van, to find the cake box had been knocked halfway across the van & was on its side. I immediately set it up & opened it. The cake survived! Just a couple dents in the icing & it shifted a bit on the board. It was still perfectly intact! I then … Continue reading Delivering Cakes is So Stressful!

To Freeze or Not To Freeze?

There seems to be a pervasive myth out there that cake goes ‘bad’ quickly & that leftovers don’t keep. Constantly people ordering cake seem absolutely terrified that it may not all be eaten at the event. Of COURSE, you want everyone to enjoy it and wipe it out! But it seems the fear is more of what to do with the leftovers & wasting all the cake…& money. Myth buster – if kept refrigerated, cake is good for several days, even a week or more. The key is keeping oxygen out of the CAKE part of it. The buttercream or … Continue reading To Freeze or Not To Freeze?